Ancient chroniclers and printers of first books used to decorate texts with ornaments, illustrate them with drawings which are valuable in terms of cultural communication. Photography greatly expands the possibilities of a visual acquaintance with history. Urban photography shows the past, a stopped moment or even an age, reflected in a single sight. It is the silent language of the city.
In the section “Kaunas Views”, in addition to the old drawings of Kaunas, engravings, lithographs, you will find the photographs and postcards from the eight historical periods illustrating the life of the city. These are the panoramas of the city and its environs, streets, architectural monuments and other objects, various events, people.
These photos show just how much Kaunas city and its famous objects has changed over the years. Drag the slider tool across each image to compare how the same places look many years apart.
Vytautas the Great bridge
Kaunas Bus Station
Kaunas Railway station
Nepriklausomybės Square (New City)
The initiator of Fluxus movement Jurgis Mačiūnas` square was founded in the crossroad of Parodos st., K. Donelaičio st. and Vytautas av. in 2017
View of Nepriklausomybės Square (City Centre)
M. Valančiaus street and historical house to sell kerosene (Old Town)
The Central Jewish Bank and the Passage were destroyed in the 1980s, when the new building of Kaunas T. Ivanauskas Zoological Museum was being installed
The Central City Bath (now Jonavos st.) was demolished in 1976
An office and service complex is located at the site of the former Central Power Station in Vienybės Square now
Rotušės (City Hall) Square (Old Town)
Zoological Gardens‘ gates
View of Gedimino Street (City Centre)
Kaunas Castle (Old Town)
V. Putvinskio Street (City Centre)
The installation of the Fountain with the sculpture of the Dwarf (“Nykštukas”) built in 1923 next to Vytautas the Great War Museum
The Family Center of the Archdiocese of Kaunas (Papilio str. 5). During the Soviet era, a military commissariat was located here
The upper terrace of Kaukas Stairs (Žaliakalnis)
The sculptures of the upper terrace of Kaukas stairs (Žaliakalnis)
St. Gertrude‘s (Šaričių) Church (Laisvės al. 101A)
During the interwar period, Vytautas Hill (Žaliakalnis) was one of the most beautiful recreation places in Kaunas
Kaunas panoramic view, engravingArtist and cartographer Tomas Makovskis. 1600
[From KCPL collections] -
Kaunas. 19th c. lithograph (“Vue de Kovno“)Artist B. Lauvergne. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas city viewE. Roevens woodcut (about 1812) [Le Monde Illustré, 1863, Nr. 314, p. 241] -
Pažaislis Church and Camaldolese MonasteryEngraving by Jόzefa Kleczeńska from N.Orda‘s drawing
[Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 85.] -
Pažaislis („Pożajście“)G. Röber. Raižinys [Tygodnik Ilustrowany, 1860 03 03, Nr. 23, s. 200]
Prieiga per internetą. URL: – Žiūrėta 2007 m. spalio 4 d. -
View of the railway bridge across the Nemunas near KaunasUnknown author. Wood carving [Tygodnik Ilustrowany, 1863 08 13, Nr. 255, s. 301]
Prieiga per internetą: – Žiūrėta 2007 m. spalio 4 d. -
Ruins of Kaunas CastleDrawing by K. Kainka. 1843 [Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 84.]
Kaunas Old City from North-East, view from the Neris riverPainted by N. Orda [Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 81.]
Kaunas CastleArtist N. Orda. 1875 [Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 83.]
View of the Old City from Linksmadvaris (Aleksotas) hillArtist N. Orda. 1875 [Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 78.]
View of Kaunas City Hall Square from North-EastArtist N. Orda. 1875 [Napoleonas Orda / V. Levandauskas, R. Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 79.]
Pavillion on Peter‘s Hill (present Vytautas Park)[Kaunas 1882-aisiais: ankstyviausi litografiniai vaizdai / A. Miškinis // Darbai ir dienos. – 2001, [t.], 28, p. 262.]
Ruins of Queen Bona‘s Castle[Kaunas 1882-aisiais: ankstyviausi litografiniai vaizdai / A. Miškinis // Darbai ir dienos. – 2001, [t.], 28, p. 257.]
General view of the Old City[Kaunas 1882-aisiais: ankstyviausi litografiniai vaizdai / A. Miškinis // Darbai ir dienos. – 2001, [t.], 28, p. 257.]
City Garden (present Garden of Kaunas State Musical Theatre)[Kaunas 1882-aisiais: ankstyviausi litografiniai vaizdai / A. Miškinis // Darbai ir dienos. – 2001, [t.], 28, p. 262.]
Kaunas Castle 14th–15th c. Painted by J. KamarauskasArtist J. Kamarauskas. 1893 [From A. Miškinis personal collection]
Corner in Kaunas Old CityPainted by M. Veriovkina. 1909–1910 [Viešnagės Lietuvoje / Laima Laučkaitė. – Nuotr., portr., iliustr. // Ekspresionizmo raitelė Mariana Veriovkina. – Vilnius, [2007]. – P. 135.]
St. Michael‘s Church in KaunasPainted by M. Veriovkina. 1910 [Viešnagės Lietuvoje / Laima Laučkaitė. – Nuotr., portr., iliustr. // Ekspresionizmo raitelė Mariana Veriovkina. – Vilnius, [2007]. – P. 137.]
17th c. gate and the Royal Tavern in Vilnius StreetPainted by K. Šimonis. 1918 [Senasis Kaunas : [albumas] / Kazys Šimonis. – Vilnius, 1967. – P. 1.]
Gate of Holy Trinity ChurchPaented by 1925 [Senasis Kaunas : [albumas] / Kazys Šimonis. – Vilnius, 1967. – P. 10.]
Street in Kaunas Old CityPainted by K. Šimonis. 1927 [Senasis Kaunas : [albumas] / Kazys Šimonis. – Vilnius, 1967. – P. 14.]
Aleksotas. Kaunas suburbPhoto by Juozapas Čechavičius. 19th c. [XIX amžiaus Vilniaus vaizdai : iš Lietuvos fotografijos istorijos : [fotoalbumas] / Czechowicz ; sudaryt. Laima Skeivienė. - Vilnius, 1995. – P. 67.]
Harbour and bridge across the Nemunas19th c. Photo by Juozapas Čechavičius. 1870s. [Lietuvos fotografija iki XXI a. / sudarė Stanislovas Žvirgždas. – Vilnius, 2001. – P. 49.]
Kaunas harbourPhoto by Vaclovas Zatorskis. Around 1895 [Lietuvos fotografija iki XXI a. / sudarė Stanislovas Žvirgždas. – Vilnius, 2001. – P. 65.]
Ruins of Queen Bona‘s CastlePhoto by V. Zatorskis. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
A. Mickevičius valleyPostcard [From KCPL collections]
A. Mickevičius valleyFofo by V. Zatorskis. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Nikolayevski AvenuePostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Nikolayevski AvenuePostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Gediminas StreetPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. EmbankmentPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Adomas Mickevičius‘ street and houseFoto by K. Fišeris. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Vilkomirskoje StreetPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas, Laisvės AvenuePhoto by W. Zatorsky. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Former Kaunas Fortress Governor‘s PalacePhoto by J. H. Ossowski. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
The bridge accros the river NemunasEarly 20th c. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Section of Laisvės Avenuebetween the Nepriklausomybės (Independence) Square and Vytautas Avenue. Early 20th c. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of the end of Laisvės Avenue, from Gertruda StreetAt the turn of the 20th century. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Adomas Mickevičius valley. The little river called GirstupisPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of KaunasPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Bridge across the Nemunas near Vytautas the Great ChurchPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
“Stumbras“ plant, the largest Lithuanian producer of strong drinksPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas streetPhoto by A. Kühlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
German artilery in KaunasFoto by A. Kühlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Lined-up guards in KaunasFoto by A. Kühlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Cavalry at rest near Kaunas Railway StaitonFoto by. A. Kuhlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Ruined factoriesPostcard [From KCPL collections]
German troops crossing the Memel (Nemunas) river
by a pontoon bridgePhoto by A. Kühlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections] -
Parade of Kaiser‘s soldiers in KaunasPostcard [From K. Ignatavičius’ personal collection]
ReichsbankPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. General viewPostcard [From KCPL collections]
View of Kaunas Old TownPortrait of German military General K. Litzman, and German 10th army base Chief General G. Eichhorn. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Litzmann Street (present Vilniaus Street)Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Litzmann street (present Vilniaus street)Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Eichorn StreetPostcard [From KCPL collections]
School of CommercePostcard [From KCPL collections]
Nemunas viewPostcard [From KCPL collections]
Siemens square (present Vienybės square)Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Peter Park (present Vytautas Park)Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Post and Telegraph Office
(former Malaja Žandarmskaja, present I. Kanto St.)Card [From S. Sajauskas personal collection] -
Street in the Old Town1915. Photo by Kühlewindt. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas personal collection]
Treasury (Laisvės Ave.)1917. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas personal collection]
Railway Station during World War IPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Work at Kaunas railwayPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of the Old Town near the Nemunas from AleksotasPostard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Citizens looting Kaunas shopsFoto by A. Kühlewindt [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Tilmans‘ Nail factory in KauneFoto by A. Kühlewindt. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Railway StationPhoto by Kühlewindt Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Kaunas Old Town. PortFoto by A. Kühlewindt [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
The pontoon bridge across Nemunas1910s. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of the city of Kaunas from Aleksotas hill1910s. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Kaunas Old Town harborPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Crossroads of Laisvės Ave. and Vytauto Ave.4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
Crossroads of E. Ožeškienės St. and Laisvės Ave.4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
J. Damijonaitis Elementary School in Aleksotas4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
Vienybės Sq. Courtyard of the War Museum4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The board of the Tilmansas Company4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The gate of the Agriculture and Industry Exhibition4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
Laisvės Ave. near the Nepriklausomybės Square4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The gate of the stadium by Physical Culture building4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The train station4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The fire department I. Kanto St.4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The Vytautas Magnus pavilion at the Agriculture and Industry Exhibition4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The panoramic view of the New Town seen from Žaliakalnis4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
The panoramic view of the New Town seen from Žaliakalnis4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
Dock at the Blessed Virgin Mary's Ascension Church
(Vytautas Magnus Church)4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections] -
Vytautas Magnus Bridge4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections]
Laisvės Ave. at the crossroads of Prezidento St. (present Vilniaus St.), P. Lukšio St. (present Šv. Gertrūdos St.) and Ukmergės Rd.
(present Savanorių Ave.)4th decade of the 20th century. Photo by J. Stanišauskas [From KCPL collections] -
Garrison Church1920. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas. Exhibition of Agriculture and Industry1922. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Song Festival in A. Mickevičiaus Square (present P. Vileišio Sq.)Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Nemunas harbour1925. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Pavillion in Vytautas Park. Kaunas1925. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Cavalry parade in P. Vileišio SquarePostcard [From KCPL collections]
Flood in Jonavos Street1926. Photo [From KCPL collections]
Flood destroying Vilijampolės bridge1926. Photo [From KCPL collections]
Flood in the old City1926. Photo [From KCPL collections]
State Theatre1927. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Military MuseumPoscard [From KCPL collections]
Military MuseumPhoto by A. Balsys. 1928. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
View of Vienybės SquareAround 1930. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Vienybės SquarePhoto by V. Augustinas. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Jesuit Church and City HallAround 1930. Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Laisvės AvenueAround 1930. Photo [From KCPL collections]
K. Donelaičio StreetPhoto [From KCPL collections]
“Konrado” CafePhoto [From KCPL collections]
Intersection of Laisvės Ave., Savanorių Ave, and Vilniaus St.Postcard [From KCPL collections]
Nepriklausomybės SquarePostcard [From KCPL collections]
View of New CityPhoto [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas Railway TunnelPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Kaunas QuayPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Gedimino Street. View from Kęstučio St. towards the Garrison ChurchPhoto [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Gadlevski Manor Central Palace in Aukštoji Freda(In 1920 the Gadlevskis Central Palace was given to the Freda Schoold of Agriculture.) Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Pažaislis Monestary1932. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Vytautas Magnus (Aleksotas) bridgePostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of Kaunas Old Town from Linksmakalnis hillPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Panoramic view of Kaunas Old Town from Aleksotas hill1925. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
The Old Kaunas harborPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of Vytautas Church in Kaunas Old Town from Aleksotas bridge1932. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Ships on the river Nemunas next to Kaunas Old Town1938 [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Lithuanian yacht club1932. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Kaunas railway station (used to be Karmelitai county)Photo [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of the Sity Center from the slope of the small-Ąžuolynas (Oak Grove)Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View from the Green HillPostcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Ukmergės road(present Savanorių Ave). Photo [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Vilijampolė (Petras Vileišis) bridge1930s. Poscard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Aerial view of Kaunas. Nepriklausomybės SquarePhoto [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Aerial view of Kaunas. Nepriklausomybės Square1924. Photo [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
View of the merging of rivers Neris and Nemunas from Aleksotas hill1932. Postcard [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
First Red Army tank in Kaunas, Laisvės Ave15.06.1940 Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Armoured carriers of Red Army in Kaunas15.06.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Rally in P. Vileišio Sq., Kaunas
(after the pro-soviet government was formed)15.06.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
View from Aleksotas Hill. Women wearing national costumes1950s. [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Pro-soviet rally at the USSR consulate building in KaunasLaisvės Ave. 01.07.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Kaunas workers marching to the polling stationLaisvės Ave. 14.07.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Voters for the People‘s Seym queueing at the polling station in Kaunas, City Hall Sq.14.07.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Rally at the State Theatre after the People‘s Seym was electedJuly 1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Rally in Laisvės Ave., at the Central Post Office after the election of the People‘s SeymJuly 1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Special session of the People‘s Seym24–25.08.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Parade on the Day of Communist Youth, Laisvės Ave.01.09.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Parade with the military in front, Laisvės Ave.01.09.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Soldiers at the History Museum07.11.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Military parade in Kaunas07.11.1940. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Panemunės bridge destroyed by the withdrawing Red ArmyJune 1941. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Fire in a shop next to the cinema theatre „Forum“ (later „Laisvė“)Laisvės Ave. 1941 [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
German artillery in Kaunas, Savanorių Ave.27 06 1941. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas citizens queueing at “Pienocentras”August 1942. Photo by B. Buračas
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas Power Station blown up byGermans, July 1944. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas Railway Station blown up by the withdrawing German armyJuly 1944. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Blown-up Kaunas railway tunnelJuly 1944. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Blown-up railway bridge across the Nemunas in KaunasJuly 1944. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas citizens saving their belongings
after Germans set their home on fire31.07.1944. Photo
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas citizens without a shelter02.08.1944. Photo by Kislovas and Velikžaninas
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum] -
Kaunas ruinsAugust 1944. Photo by Kislovas
[From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
First Red Army artillerymen in Kaunas32.07.1944. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Red Army cavalry scouts in Kaunas31.07.1944. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Red Army tank in Kaunas street02.08.1944. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Military parade in Kaunas07.11.1945. Photo [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Pioneers at a rally1940s. [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Military Museum1950s. [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
Lithuanian State Institute of Physical Education1947 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The pool of the upper terrace of Kaukas stairs1940s–1950s [From J. Palys’ personal collection]
The upper terrace of Kaukas stairs1940s–1950s [From J. Palys’ personal collection]
Kaunas Railway Station1960s. Postcard. Photo by J. Čikotas [From KCPL collections]
Garden of Vytautas Magnus War Meuseum1950s. [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Ferry across The Nemunas river, next to the M. K. Čiurlionis bridge1950 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The New Town panorama from the alley of Kaukas20th c. [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Republican library (K. Donelaičio St. 8)1950s. (In 1963 the Republican library moved to Vilnius, since then the bulding belongs to Kaunas Public Library) [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The view to the Vytautas avenue from the railway station1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The House of Pioneers1956. Postcard, photo by P. Karpavičius [From J. Palys' personal collection]
S. Darius and S. Girėnas Stadium1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
“Neringa“ Cinema Theatre. VilijampolėPostcard, photo by P. Karpavičius. 1965 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
“Taika“ Cinema Theatre. ŠančiaiPhoto. 1959 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The Quay next to the Panemunė bridge1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
A Passanger Ship in the Nemunas river1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Building lot around the Pergalė Quay (now Karaliaus Mindaugo Ave.)1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Central Post Office in Laisvės avenue1962 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
The bulding on the corner of St. Gertrude‘s and Vilnius streets (demolished)1962 [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Kaunas’ Academic Clinic1950s [From J. Palys' personal collection]
Belfry tower of Catholic Seminary decorated with a Soviet star1966. Photo by A. Dumbliauskas [From personal archives]
Dome of Kaunas St. Michael Archangel (Garrison) Church
without a crossPhoto by R. Juškelis [From personal archives] -
Memorial Christ‘s Resurrection Church in which Radio factory was opened in 1952About 1980. Photo by A. Plekačiauskas [From KCPL collections]
Kaunas City Garden group “Company“
at Vytautas the Great Military MuseumXX a. 8 deš. Photo [From N. Gitkind personal archives] -
Members of the former hippie group of Kaunas City Garden “Company“1980s. Photo [From A. Vinokuras personal archives]
Procession carrying the cross to the former city cemetery to commemorate Kaunas rebels of 194123 June, 1989. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
Procession carrying the cross to the former city cemetery to commemorate Kaunas rebels of 194123 June, 1989. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
Young men who refused to serve in the occupation army and their supporters on their way to establishing the Defence Committee “Ženeva 49“7 October, 1989. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
The Day of Mourning and Hope in Laisvės Ave.Kaunas, June 14,1990. Photo by A. Matulionis [Laisvėjantis Kaunas : Grafika. – [Kaunas], 2002. – [Card No. 2]
Unveiling the Monument to those who perished
for Lithuania‘s freedomKaunas, February 16, 1990. Photo by A. Matulionis [Laisvėjantis Kaunas [Grafika]. – [Kaunas], 2002. – [Card No. 7] -
Demonstration at the Russian-occupied military base in Šančiai18.11.1990. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
The bust of the nation‘s traitor V. Kapsukas has just been knocked off this pedestal. Militiamen are catching the protestorsKaunas, 14 June, 1990. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
Actor and poet K. Genys giving a speech at a rally of Jaunalietuviai (Young Lithuanians)Kaunas, 23 June, 1991. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
The Day of Mourning and Hope in Laisvės AveKaunas, June 14, 1990. Photo by A. Matulionis [Laisvėjantis Kaunas [Grafika]. – [Kaunas], 2002. – [Card No. 10]
Procession to commemorate the 49th anniversary
of the National UprisingKaunas, 23 June, 1990. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives] -
Procession to commemorate the 49th anniversary
of the National UprisingKaunas, 23 June, 1990. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives] -
Procession to the occupation Soviet army unit dislocation in ŠančiaiKaunas, 18 November, 1990. Photo [From S. Buškevičius‘ personal archives]
Kaunas Freedom Avenue – pedestrian streetPhoto by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2005 [From KCPL collections]
Simonas Daukantas pedestrian bridge to Nemunas islandPhoto by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
Aleksotas bridge. A view of Kaunas Old TownPhoto by D. Ginuvienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Kaunas Old TownPhoto by V. Vaitilavičiūtė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Kaunas New TownPhoto by V. Vaitilavičiūtė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Kaunas Old Town where the Nemunas and the Neris rivers merge, Aleksotas bridgePhoto by V. Vaitilavičiūtė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. The town by Nemunas river, and the construction on Nemunas islandPhoto by V. Vaitilavičiūtė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Kaunas New Town, Kaunas Central Railway Station, Railroad BridgePhoto by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Nemunas islandPhoto by V. Vaitilavičiūtė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. H. And O. Minkovskiai streetPhoto by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Pažailis monastery complexPhoto by R. Vaitilaviciene. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
A bird‘s eye view of Kaunas. Kaunas Hydroelectric PowerPhoto by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]
Railway station after the occupation of Kaunas [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]

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European Heritage Label
Kaunas 2022
Kaunas Full of Culture
Open Archives of Kaunas
Kauno žodynas
Virtual Culture Heritage System
Architecture and Urbanism Research Centre (AUTC)