Kaunas Old City from North-East, view from the Neris river. 1875 [Napoleonas Orda / Vytautas Levandauskas, Renata Vaičekonytė-Kepežinskienė. – Vilnius, 2006. – P. 81.]
View of Kaunas City from Linksmakalnis. 1861. Photo by Anton Rohrbach [Antalis Rohrbachas : 1861 m. fotografijos / Dainius Junevičius. – Vilnius, [2013]. – P. 99.]
Railway station after the occupation of Kaunas [From S. Sajauskas’ personal collection]
Vytautas The Great War Museum. 1930s [From N. Mikelionis’ personal collection]
War Museum in Kaunas on the 7th of November, 1940 [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
German artillery in Kaunas on the 27th of June, 1941 [From the repository of Vytautas The Great War Museum]
The monument to Lenin in Julius Janonis‘ Square [Kaunas ir jo apylinkės [Rankraštis] : (nuo seniausių laikų iki šių dienų) / Pranas Juozapavičius. – Kaunas, 1980. – P. [64].]
Kaunas Monumental Christ's Resurrection Church, now – the Basilica. 2005. Photo by Vytautas Tamoliūnas [From R. Tamoliūnienė‘s personal collection]
In 2007, the Kaunas Studies Group of Kaunas County Public Library (KCPL) started developing an electronic directory, Kaunas: Dates and Facts. Its aim is to create an easily accessible e-directory, attractively presenting systematic textual and visual information about Kaunas* – from its origins to the present. The e-directory is being developed in collaboration with research institutions and experts, as well as museums, archives and owners of collections.
The e-directory is primarily targeted at those who have no direct access to the library, museum, or guide services. Its users represent different social groups and occupations, foreigners who come to Kaunas for studies or work, Lithuanian emigrants, etc. The e-directory is being regularly updated and supplemented with new textual and visual information, references; inaccurate facts are being corrected.
Kaunas County Public Library
Žymūs Kauno žmonės: atminimo įamžinimas
Kaunas IN
European Heritage Label
Kaunas 2022
Kaunas Full of Culture
Open Archives of Kaunas
Kauno žodynas
Virtual Culture Heritage System
Architecture and Urbanism Research Centre (AUTC)