The most important dates and facts of the history of Kaunas

Here are presented the main dates and facts of Kaunas history chronologically divided into 8 historical periods according to the historical stages of Lithuania. The information is collected and systematised from the various sources about the most important events of Kaunas history, the most significant achievements of Kaunas in every historical period. The brief descriptions of the dates and facts are supplemented with illustrations, sources and references. The related dates and facts of Kaunas history are merged with references.

  • Belfry tower of Catholic Seminary decorated with a Soviet star 1966. Photo by A. Dumbliauskas [From personal archives]

  • Nemunas view. Postcard [From KCPL collections]

  • Empire bank. Postcard [From KCPL collections]

  • Simonas Daukantas pedestrian bridge to Nemunas island. Photo by R. Vaitilavičienė. 2009 [From KCPL collections]

Historical Kaunas city views by period

Take a look at Kaunas of the past centuries, admire the city's panoramas and other views.

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